Global Compass hub

The World's First WHY Discovery Tool

Better. Clear. Simple.

Ever wonder WHY you do everything you do? WHY others do what they do?


The first step.

Ever wonder WHY you do everything you do? WHY others do what they do? Now is your chance to be able to clearly articulate the answers to those questions. Know yourself and others at a level deeper than ever before. Finally, a tangible WHY.


Your WHY, HOW, and WHAT.

You update your computer’s operating system all the time. Now it is time to understand your own – your WHY operating system. This will go beyond the WHY and you will discover WHY you do what you do, HOW you internally operate, and WHAT you ultimately bring to the world.

For the Curious

WHY Discovery


$47.00 USD

Discover WHY you do what you do. Your WHY is what you are compulsive about. It is the lens by which you see the world. Your WHY is where you will find passion, confidence, and purpose.

Your purchase includes the WHY Discovery where you will learn your WHY in 5-minutes or less!

You will receive your full results webpage that you can access at any time with characteristics of your WHY, challenges, solutions, personal relationships, parental relationships, and best career choices.

You will have a personalized dashboard with all things WHY, your personalized simple WHY statement, and downloadable PDFs to dive even deeper.

For the Personal Developer

WHY.os Discovery


$97.00 USD

Discover your WHY, HOW, and WHAT – the operating system that drives you. It’s WHY you do what you do, HOW you bring your WHY to life, and WHAT others can ultimately count on from you.

Your purchase will include the WHY.os Discovery where you will see the 3D image of who you are at your core. With your WHY you have gained clarity on your driving force. Now you will be able to see how you internally operate and how you externally message yourself.

It’s Your WHY – It’s Now or Never

Personally discover who you are. Discover your WHY or go even deeper with the WHY.os (operating system)

WHY - Individual coaching

Team WHY.os

Each team member will take the WHY.os Discovery. The first step to internal alignment is understanding one another WHY to WHY.